
Nikko Jones


On the quest to change 
the status-quo

I’m Nikko Jones: a mar-tech specialist and an entrepreneur who especially help purpose-driven entrepreneurs get on top of their business goals 10X faster without burning out in marketing & tech logistics so they can focus on things that matter more. I help build online businesses and also lead trainings for startup business owners and new entrepreneurs in launching, marketing and managing their online businesses. This is my core business & life philosophy:

There’s only winning or learning (not losing). Failure is a myth.

This has been a mantra for me. Whenever I face challenges in businesses, my own and including my clients’ businesses, the fact that I get to see another day means there is time to get ahead and win the challenges.

Speaking of challenges, there’s one major status-quo I want to change: the bad educational and discriminating & soul-crushing work system. I’ve seen hundreds of souls crushed by limited opportunity, the outdated educational system and the soul-crushing corporate work. And I’ve been there. Therefore in my free time, I’m creating educational courses that would help thousands of people gain access to global remote work opportunity so they could fulfill their lives with purpose and not lose their minds over job-hunting or a severely underpaid 9-5 job, so they could work flexibly even if they don’t have a fancy college degree just like how I did it. I also create courses for entrepreneurs on automating their online business systems so they don’t have to spend most of their times chasing their tails in ever-changing martech systems.

Without a single degree, I shamelessly worked for several years in sales, marketing, tech & management in more than 6 industries (education, real estate, tech, etc.) and continue to serve my clients with the skills I’m ever learning while continuing to impart those skills on my online training. 

Nowadays, you can find me surfing at the beach and (sometimes) party while serving CEO masterminds and building courses for people like me who want to do a good job for the people or companies they work with all the while enjoying life at the beach.

If you’re a CEO overwhelmed with tech & marketing, you can book a FREE Digital Deep Dive with me so I can help you free your time so you can focus on things that matter more and not get burned out in your business. If you’re an aspiring VA/Freelancer/Entrepreneur, register here and get your FREE MarTech courses!

Work With Me

Say goodbye to marketing & tech overwhelm and hello to 10X streamlined business growth without burning out


My Specialties

advanced branding

Make your business alive in your customer's mind by making it human & increase your brand's perceived value


Build genuine relationships & convert prospects into paying customers by applying the golden four-step rule to marketing: Attention, Interest, Desire & Action via paid ads & organic strategies

BUILDING advanced BUSINESS system

Launching your online business can be daunting when you don't have an expert in place to help you launch. This is my expertise where I can help you with the most.

email & SMS marketing

Let's create email marketing system that yields up to 4200% ROI along with SMS marketing

marketing automations

You cannot do it all alone. Delegate the really small tasks to machines so you can free up more time

advanced web design

This website has been built in days only using Elementor + WordPress only. Let's work to make your brand shine with a website in days!

@withnikko Getting a tech or marketing related freelance job that gives you time and location freedom and flexibility without a degree or experience might take time, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible! Good thing there’s this 5-step hack that could help you out! #marketingandtech #remotework #virtualassistant #freelancer #marketing #onlinebusiness #entrepreneur #digitalmarketing #withnikko ♬ vlog, chill out, calm daily life(1370843) - SUNNY HOOD STUDIO

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AI, Design, Tech & Business Automation Course

Advance your career by learning web design, graphics design & marketing and operations automation

Digital Marketing Foundations Courses

Land on marketing and tech role even without a fancy degree

Marketing, Tech & People Management Courses

Learn how to manage social media, tech-marketing and teams

From wanting to die to leading a purpose-driven life …

How I found the light at the end of the tunnel in the middle of depression, recession and a pandemic


“The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.” – Seneca | Chinese Proverb

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.“James 1:2-4 (NIV)  

It was 2019. As a college student who achieved most of my time was spent at home, school, and church. Raised by a single mom, (I never met my dad) I was ambitious and entered prestigious local universities through scholarships and small finances. Everything was going fine: the goal was to get through college, get a good job, and pay back my family (this is a real deal in our culture). I was doing my best in my studies while having fun at the university.

Until what I finally feared in the past came true and the start of what proved to be one of my life’s greatest struggle …

Life has started to spiral down

Fast forward to 2020 and life started throwing lemons, and I was drowning. What’s worse than a breakup? I’ll tell you what: I failed my exams and lost my scholarship in quick succession. To make matters even worse, due to financial constraints and a strained relationship with my family1, (see footnote), I was forced to get out of school, give up my vehicle, get evicted, and leave my home forever. Finally, my mother decided to give me no support at all and totally abandoned me, telling me to find a new life. It all happened in the blink of an eye. I was abandoned.

The pandemic was looming. I had no proper job, no money, no skills, and no other family member to fall back on.  Life has started to spiral down. I got nowhere to go …

Even so, I decided to continue my studies (which transitioned to online because of the pandemic) while working with a job that virtually earns me less than my total needs. I still went to school knowing I could never afford my tuition in years. My first job was on freelance sales calls and I worked anywhere with less noise, from the school cafeteria to my friend’s small apartment, just to earn for my daily needs. I didn’t even know if there will be food for tomorrow. Life was becoming hard and harsh and crippling depression was slowly starting to take over. 

All at once, I was forced to make a difficult choice: Totally abandon school and start a new life of who knows how. I felt like in a nightmare. I started to lose my money, my friends, and eventually the will to live. I refused to accept that this was a new reality, I’m on my own now amidst a crumbling world.

Through the crippling depression

With problems upon problems heaping in quick succession, I slowly succumbed to heavy grief and sadness. Through the days, the signs and symptoms of depression would show up. Later, it got worse and worse. I had trouble sleeping and eating. I lived life in an auto-pilot. I started to feel physically and mentally numb.

The thoughts of wanting to die would soon flood my mind, for what’s the point of living anymore? My goal back then was to exit this life without anyone knowing. And so I was moving downhill. I started to write goodbye notes, lost interest in things that I liked to do, and started to succumb to disappearing from this life and not existing anymore. I started to contact some of my friends to give my things away cause I didn’t feel like I still needed them. Each action made my decision firmer. I was preparing my mind to meet death face to face, with open arms.

Beams of hope started fading away. There was no hope. Not in God, not in people. God became a fable or a sadistic, punishing, and power-tripping being. My mind was becoming firm and there was no one stopping me from what I was about to do.

Losing my faith

I felt like in the middle of nowhere with no island to see and nowhere to go but drown2. I totally lost faith and hope in humanity, let alone in God. In the back of my mind, I never really deserved this. I was angry at the world, at God and at the situation. 

It was February 2020 when I started to make up my mind about my plan to end all of this once and for all. I never thought of seeing the light of the day through another month.

The next month, the pandemic finally crept in and news of people dying, travel bans, and essentials running out of supply would soon become prevalent.  

Through the depths of hell: the pandemic, the recession & the rock bottom

Funny enough, would never go my way. No matter how I creatively plan to end everything, that won’t just happen. Things would always come my way to take my attention away from the thoughts of dying to other things: heavy government restrictions from the travel ban, quarantine, rapid testing, and the palpable fear of the coronavirus. If this isn’t the reason my friends become the reason. If not friends, my own realizations become the reason I forget.

Yet, the pandemic was one of the hardest times of my life. I still wasn’t earning enough. I had to work and take my exams even while on my shift. From the emotional stress of my situation, I lost so much weight, barely eating. Acne has covered from my face to my neck. I felt helpless and unattractive. I wasn’t living, just surviving through another day, not even knowing if this would still end.

I lost touch with my friends and family. I virtually had no money, stripped of everything I had. I was alone in the middle of people dying, and stock prices failing. Covid-19, the recession, and my situation made me feel I was alone and no one could save me.

Except for … maybe myself?

Little sparkles of hope to the spark-less life

Deciding not to die was not a one-man one-night work. It took several people, long excruciating days, many instances. From simply crying my heart out to a friend, to going out to see nature, to some independent realization, things worked together for my good.

The first instance was when a friend reached out. It was Valentine’s Day of 2020. We talked and for the first time, I cried my heart out of the grief that has been bottling up for several years. I told her about the frustration, the grief, and the hopelessness I have with my life; especially my ideation of ending all things once and for all. It was the first time I felt someone cared for me in the world who turned their backs on me. My friend encouraged me and that helped a little. However, that would still not change my mind and more instances would soon happen to bring little sparkles of hope to my spark-less reality, convincing me to move forward with life.

A miraculous chance to be happy again?

Another instance that helped me live was when I was invited to hike up a mountain. I was broke so I couldn’t come, as I told them. However, they insisted that they’d spare some money for me. So I went.

It was rough up there. The small tent where we stayed was heavily buffeted by the strong gust of wind. Despite that, I was amazed to see smiling faces, the small jokes and laughter, and the warm comfort of these people playing little games inside a small abode amidst the battering stormy night.

That was when I started to ask myself, why are they still happy? Is there perhaps a chance for me to be happy again?

When the morning came, a miracle happened. Through the cold stormy night, we stepped outside on a foggy morning, hoping to see the sunrise. Unsurprised, we saw no sunrise, but what I experienced was totally more amazing than the sunrise we wanted to see. For the first time in what felt like several years, nature touched the strings of my soul. I felt the cold mountain dew. I touched the grass. The cold atmosphere was going in through my nostrils and lungs and I could properly breathe in and release. My friends were there. It’s almost as if a switch was turned on in my brain. It’s as if nature says, “Hey, it isn’t that bad. Look at the grass. Look at the mountain. The vegetables and flowers are amazing, here take a look! Oh, your friends are here too, isn’t that awesome? Could life be that bad?” 

Maybe it really isn’t that bad. Maybe there’s still a chance for me to be happy again. Nature and friends really help heal you. What a miracle. It certainly may not be a miracle for you, but it is for me.

Am I meant for something more?

Despite that, the grief, the heavy feeling, and loneliness still show up several days later. Good thing, those good instances had made me forget I wanted to end my life. But it was really the time to be alone with myself that made me finally think life could be so much more ahead.

One Sabbath afternoon, I was eating alone in the kitchen of our church. I had no choice but to eat what was on the table so I could save up money for food. Taking my food in, I realized it had been more than a month that I lived alone and I was alright. I’m still standing on my two feet and I still survive. I was actually stronger than I thought I was! In an instant came my epiphany: what if these things are happening because I’m meant for more? It’s as if the Spirit is telling me “What if you’re meant for something more? What if the things you’re going through right now were meant to prepare you for great things to come?” Was I destined for greatness? I didn’t know. But what if this is God’s perfect will of doing exactly that? 

Nowhere to go but up

Thankfully, more days have gone by and my bruised mind was already starting to slowly heal. It was finally in August of 2020, after 8 long months of grief, sadness, and despair in everything I went through and after countless encounters, I told myself, “I don’t want to die anymore. I have a purpose. I’m giving myself a fighting chance. I’m destined for something greater. I’m meant for something way better. Better days are ahead. They’re coming. This is my season of growing.”

Life has its own way of sending people you need the most. Along the way, I became more close to my workmates. I later gained their empathy and soon enough I was promoted from sales-calling to administrative virtual assistance tasks with their help. On the side, I started studying web design marketing and gained an interest in businesses. I also reconnected with my friends.

From there, I started working with myself, rising from the ashes of degradation would be a lot of work but it would transform me into a newer, better person. The dawn was breaking. Healing had started to come.

The darkest before dawn

My journey was not linear. There were still some downs after the most challenging times. However, looking back at the darkest moments of my life, I realized that life gives us what we fear the most so we can face those fears and become a guiding light for others. 

Now, if I ask you, what’s one of your greatest nightmares, what would be your response? When I was a child, I always had this fear of being left alone as a child manifested in different dreams such as being left alone in a cave underground, on a moving vehicle, or in an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere. I feared abandonment as a child and what I feared the most did happen.

It was traumatizing. The thought that there’s no one there to help you. That you are left alone on your own to figure things out. The world turning its back on you. People hate you. The uncertainty if there would be food for tomorrow. The fear of what would the future bring. The idea of dying but the fear of it. The hopelessness of life, the numbness of the mind, and the effect it brings to the body. Am I gonna be alive tomorrow? How do I die without anyone knowing? The feeling of loss and regret of things. Self-blame. Self-hate. Self-destructive thoughts. It felt like I was in the middle of a dark night. The lack of resources and my inability to lift myself up and out of the situation. There was no hope. No rescue. No light at the end of the tunnel. These things were killing me every day. 

Even after many years, I was still stuck in circles of hating and forgetting. As I’m writing this now, things would still repeat in my mind it makes me relive these hard moments again. Honestly, I was even shaking when I started to write these. On the positive side, I’m now practicing to be accountable for my own thoughts and letting go of the things I can’t control. And I’m still pushing to write because I believe this story is a powerful one that could help many people, and even you, dear reader, navigate through the hardships of life.

The dawn of a new day

And I stood corrected. I thought there was no hope. No help. No light at the end of the tunnel in the middle of a crumbling world engulfed by the pandemic, economic recession, and deaths. Yet there is hope. There are miracles. Beyond the darkest is the dawn of a new day.

Again, life gives you people and instances that could help you navigate through the hardship of life and slowly start rotating from the 180-degree turn of events. In my case, nature, friends, independent realizations, and some external help have helped me put my feet strong. Upon sensing that I was on stronger ground now, I started to read again. I started exercising. The voice that was hushed for a long time has been heard singing again! 

Building myself up again

With the new goal to rebuild myself from scratch, from the ground, with self-esteem crushed with the ashes, I reconciled with God. I started meditating on His words. I listened to sermons again, took a walk and a ride through nature, and spent my time alone reading Christian books, slowly strengthening my faith in solitary places. I journaled and flooded my thoughts with positive affirmations. Right then, I realized that my worth is not dependent on anyone’s opinion about me. I am worthy because I am inherently valuable, I’m worthy because of the values I mold and I’m worthy because God had put so much value in me that He died for me. I’m infinitely prized and valued.

Also, I’m thinking like an entrepreneur by then! I started reading finance books (Rich Dad Poor Dad) and learning new skills on the side that would prove to be a helpful tool in navigating my career later on.

1  Family here means my mother. Note that this isn’t throwing dirt at anybody. I haven’t seen my dad since infancy and I didn’t have a perfect mom either. I have a sister who can’t sustain me as well. Personally, I feel like I didn’t have a good relationship with my mother growing up as she was absent for years (I grew up close to my grandma who was more loving towards me). I tried to be good at school. I was an achiever throughout my academic life. All my life revolved around pleasing her as she always told me I didn’t have a father so I should be thankful for her raising me up. And the moment I fail in academics or generally displease her, she would always threaten to abandon me. This has always been the case since I was in high school. Even though I never deserved such treatment, it was later on that I realized it may have been brought by her own life’s trauma.

2  Conversely, I felt like in the middle of a desert, thirsty, crawling, with nowhere else to go, dying alone.

Nikko Jones is a digital marketing & tech specialist-turned-entrepreneur

He’s certified in 6 major digital marketing foundations including Advanced Branding, Digital Marketing, Google Analytics, SEO Foundations, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing & Content Marketing & has worked with CEOs, best-selling authors, speakers, & educators in SME, coaching, real estate & corporate industries throughout the years in the field of sales, tech, marketing & management. He co-founded TeleConvrt, a sales & marketing agency back in 2021 & leads workshops for specialists & entrepreneurs on leveraging tech & digital marketing for business growth.

know me deeper

myers-briggs personality

Nikko Jones is a thoughtful nurturer with a strong sense of personal integrity & a drive to help others realize their potential. He’s also confident, analytical, and ambitious.


Coffee | Nature | Cats | Music | Mysteries
Hobbies: going to cafes, hiking
Pets: cats & dogs
Musical instruments: piano, guitar & voice
Interests: psychology, consciousness, quantum mechanics, the universe’s mystery


Business | Real Estate
Nikko Jones is involved in real estate sales & investing and is open to more business opportunities. He’s earned his certification on real estate analysis (general), wholesale & commercial real estate analysis, & real estate pre-investing.