Case Study

Transformative Martech Solutions for 8E Tech Group of Companies (8E MEERAS)


8E Tech Group Of Companies, a dynamic tech group of companies based in Singapore, engaged with our world-class Martech expertise to revamp their digital presence and drive significant growth across key performance indicators.


The company’s challenges include outdated website design, low lead generation, limited social media visibility, high marketing costs, inconsistent sales pipeline, and a stagnant subscriber base.


Our marketing approach for 8E Tech revolves around a holistic strategy that integrates thorough market understanding, strategic brand positioning, and a continuous focus on optimizing the digital presence. 


  1. Rapid Website Redesign:
  • Revitalized the online presence with a modern, user-friendly design for 3 key websites.
  • Implemented responsive design for optimal user experience across devices.
  • Focused on enhancing brand messaging and visual appeal.

Tools used: WordPress, Elementor, and Canva

2. Lead Generation Optimization:

  • Deployed advanced lead generation strategies through Facebook Ads
  • Leveraged data-driven insights to refine targeting and messaging.
  • Implemented lead scoring to prioritize high-potential leads.
Below is an example of the kind of media ad we ran:

Tools used: Meta Ads, Canva, WordPress

3. Social Media Brand Growth:

  • Conducted a comprehensive social media audit.
  • Developed a content strategy to resonate with the target audience.
  • Utilized paid advertising and influencer partnerships strategically.

4. Sales Funnel Building & Enhancement:

  • Conducted a thorough analysis of the sales pipeline.
  • Implemented marketing automation to nurture leads.
  • Organized the sales team which resulted in a notable increase, with 10 franchise applicants in the first 7 months.

5. Cost Optimization:

  • Identified inefficiencies in existing marketing processes.
  • Implemented cost-effective marketing tools and platforms.
  • Slashed monthly marketing costs by an impressive 58%.

6. Subscriber Base Growth:

  • Implemented targeted online and face to face marketing campaigns
  • Achieved a consistent monthly growth rate of 31.33% in the subscriber base.


Click-Through Rate (CTR)


Conversion Rate from Clicks


Response Rate


Conversion Rate from Messages


Cost per Lead



Website Redesign

3 websites revamped with a 40% increase in average session duration.

Lead Generation

Generated 300+ leads within 3 months


Attracted 10 franchise applicants within the first 7 months. Expected ROI ranges from PHP100K to PHP10M 

Cost Optimization

Slashed monthly marketing costs by 58%

Subscriber Base

Maintained a consistent monthly growth rate of 31.33%.


Our comprehensive Martech solutions not only addressed the immediate challenges faced by 8E MEERAS but also laid the foundation for sustained growth. The achieved results underscore our commitment to driving tangible business outcomes through innovative and data-driven marketing strategies. With a revitalized online presence, optimized lead generation, and substantial growth across key metrics, 8E MEERAS is now well-positioned for continued success in the dynamic tech landscape.

Need marketing support for your business?

Ready to level up your brand, connect with your audience, and skyrocket your leads? I’m here to make it happen. We’ll dive into your business, create a standout brand, and use smart strategies for success. Let’s chat and kickstart your growth journey today!